When you supply Reliance with key homeowner information during the handover, you help us provide the best service possible.
As a leader in home comfort across Canada, our goal is to help fulfill your building projects’ water heating, HVAC and water purification needs – as well as those of your homeowner customers once they’ve moved in – as quickly, efficiently and professionally as possible.
Do we have your customers’ transition details?
By providing us with your customers’ contact information and other details we can provide the best service possible once the handover has taken place. This information includes:
- Closing Date – the earlier this is provided the better, so you’re not billed for a home that’s already closed
- Customer Name
- Phone Number –best number to contact the homeowner
- Email Address – for environmentally friendly and convenient paperless billing Civic Address –this ensures the homeowner, not the builder, is billed and that future equipment is delivered to the right address
- Lot Number/Unit Number – for guaranteed delivery during construction
Please make sure all this information is provided as soon as your builder-owned assets transition to homeowners.
And, of course, if have any questions, you can always reach out to your Key Account Manager.